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Freshmen Take Stock of Year

The transition to high school can be difficult for freshmen, especially when it comes to academic expectations and extracurricular activities like sports. As the third quarter comes to a close, the Eagle Eye caught up with some freshmen and freshman advisors to see how they feel about the year thus far.

Illustrations by Maya Wong (’28)

“This year’s incoming freshman seem to be a good cohesive class. I think sometimes the work load increase overwhelms them a lot and it’s very different compared to middle school. Like even getting involved in everything, it gets really overwhelming for them. Most have grown in maturity and are very different compared to how they were last semester. Many I’ve known have shown a little more maturity. I’d say to the Freshman, to stay balanced. I mean study hard but don’t stress out about always being the top or taking the hardest classes and just try to find a good balance and what fits for them.”

 – ARLENE HUSTER, high school librarian and freshman advisor

“I think just, like, figuring out how to handle the workload and schedule between academics, athletics, and extracurricular has been the most challenging. After I made varsity volleyball, I realized that I would need to manage my time wisely and going to the library or having guided study is also a good way to get homework done for me. High school has way more freedom compared to middle school. Obviously there’s like, no phone ban anymore, and we’re treated like young adults. And with independence comes responsibility as well. I’m looking forward to finding my interest to figure out, like, what I want to pursue in college and making new memories with friends. High school is a once in a lifetime experience and I want to be able to take in every moment of it.”

 – KEIRA LIEW, Freshman Class President

“I think the first semester of freshman is going pretty good so far. There’s some ups and downs and some challenges, but I got through with my friends and family. One memorable moment is camp when I got to talk to my friends but the most, like, big moment for me was looking out at the mountains at camp with all the mists and thinking like, wow, God has a really good plan for me. And he put me in an awesome place. And then also this year, when I was playing at homecoming and a couple of seconds later, when I got in, I shot a basket. I was trusted to play defense in overtime games. The few moments left, I was like, pretty happy and then during the playoffs too, that was pretty cool. And just in general, the time commitments are different from high school because the homework load is just way higher in high school, and you actually have to plan on your schedule when you’re doing assignments. I’m just looking forward to meeting new friends and getting to hangout with people.”

– ALEX FUJIMOTO, Freshman Class Vice President

“I’d say my first semester of Freshman year is going pretty good, but it’s just, like, a lot of schoolwork and tests that have been coming up, so it’s been kind of, like, hard to balance everything, but it’s been good. On the first day of school, I remember that I was really nervous because I didn’t know if I was gonna make a lot of friends or if the school work was different. My favorite memorable moment so far during my Freshman year was definitely camp because I feel like we really got to bond as a class, and also it was just so fun to be able to worship God during chapel with all my classmates and friends. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but one of the most challenging things so far is trying to balance everything, especially because, like, you know, there’s schoolwork and also your social life too, so it’s hard to, like, keep it all balanced. One thing I’m looking forward to in my high school year is definitely growing more as a person and also in my faith in God too.”

– ELLA MINAMI, first-year HBA student and freshman

“My first thoughts on the first day of school for freshman year made my brain go all over the place. Finding all the different classes was difficult as well but I definitely think that student orientation was good, especially being able to see the teachers, seeing everyone, getting to meet new faces too. I think my most memorable moment in freshman year was being able to counsel my sister’s camp. I think that’s the one thing I have to remember, and just our ninth grade camp too. That was so much fun! One thing I’m looking forward to, I would say, is just hanging out with all my friends and making sure we’re not just on our phones all the time.”

– CINNAMON LEE, freshman

“My first semester of freshman year is going all right. My grades are decent, but I love that the athletics and the clubs are going very well. I realized how much bigger the high school campus was and I also didn’t know where any of my classes were. I can’t really say I have one favorite memory, but it’s just the time I’ve spent with friends and the new experiences I’ve got to have because of the different clubs and sports. Something that I’m looking forward to is probably seeing how us as a peer group growing older will change the social interactions and what that might bring.”

– JACOB BARNETT, freshman

“I think that freshman year so far is going good for the most part. I’m slowly adjusting to the new school life and figuring out my schedule. I was definitely all over the place on the first day of school, especially finding my classes. I think that camp was one of my most favorite memorable moments especially since I got to make new friends and meet new people. One thing I’m looking forward to in my high school year is just having a closer bond with my friends overall.”

– MIA HUANG, first-year HBA student and freshman

“This year’s freshman class seems to be a pretty decent class overall. I’ve noticed that some students struggled here and there but they have shown a bit more maturity compared to my previous Freshman classes. One thing I would say is, well, to always come in with a good mindset and a willingness to learn. I think most students would often get stressed out which leads to burnout. But, overall, I do hope that they continue to improve in their studies and their learning as well.”

– FAYE TAKUSHI, English department co-chair and freshman advisor

Sachiko Doi

Sachiko Doi

Hi! My name is Sachiko Doi and I'm a Freshman at Hawaii Baptist Academy. This is my first semester in News Production. I enjoy listening to music, karate, as well as shopping!


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