On August 17, 2015, Hawaii Baptist Academy’s high and middle schoolers embarked on a “Love Does” themed field trip to the elementary campus for lunch, worship, and games with the younger students.
Based on Bob Goff’s book, “Love Does” has been the all-school chapel theme for the school since last year.
While everyone was gathered on the blacktop in front of the cafeteria after the long walk, Kindergarten teachers Carolyn Casey, Rhona Halmos, and Lisa Lichtenberg surprised HBA Lifers—current seniors who have been at HBA since kindergarten year—by calling out and describing each of them with an adjective. Lichtenberg remarked, “My favorite part of this year’s Love Does Fellowship was sitting down and chatting with Lifers Sydney Suzuki and Jordyn Wang since their homeroom was assigned to be with my kindergarten students. I wish I could have had all the other Lifers that were in my class, like Shannon Mau, Chester Hui, Stephanie Dang, Ty Wakabayashi and Joshua Namba matched with my homeroom, too. I feel so proud of all of them!”
Christian Ministries Associate John Kaneshiro then led the school in worship, with songs such as “Every Move I Make” and “How Great Is Our God”, followed by a Hula performance by the high school halau.
“I think that in order for love to be authentic, it needs to be lived out. Love is action.”
Film and Photographer teacher Sean Malinger
Over lunch, elementary, middle, and high school students mingled and played games. Fifth Grader Sydney Hankey said, “I liked it when the tenth graders asked us to talk about ourselves and share our hobbies.” Junior Jeron Young made cardboard shields and jousted with sixth graders while senior Logan Takeda made quilts and drew pictures with first graders. Christian Ministries Director Rob Lockridge enjoyed watching “jon ken po” games where “small girls would beat tall guys.”
Many students noted that a big downside to the event was the warm and humid weather. Junior Alyssa Futa said, “It was really hot, but it was fun.” However, many said that it was a good bonding experience that brought the school together, and that they would do it again. Sophomore Ethan Sanekane said, “It was really fun. it was nice meeting all of them because our class had the fifth graders. It was nice meeting all the kids, getting to know their names, and bonding with them.”
Reflecting on the “Love Does” theme, Film and Photography teacher Sean Malinger said, “I think that in order for love to be authentic, it needs to be lived out. Love is action.” Lichtenberg described it this way: “Love Does” means doing something intentional to make a difference in someone’s day or life.” Lockridge said, “Love always requires another. Love is always about the other, and so when we come together as a group we get to see how that really works out.”
Additional reporting by Introduction to News Productions students: Jessie Lin (’18), Karli Uwaine (’16), Bey Thompson (’18), Tiffany Ibara (’18), and Jewel Tominaga (’17).
Photographs by Ryan Su (’17).