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Home/Annemarie Lee

Author: Annemarie Lee

Annemarie Lee

Annemarie Lee

My name is Annemarie and I am a senior at HBA. This year is my first with the newspaper class, which I have enjoyed thus far. After surviving a particularly challenging English class, my love for writing skyrocketed. Along with writing, I love dancing, singing, singing in the shower, dancing some more, acting, eating food and blunt speech. I hope to work my way towards a law degree in the future and cannot wait for what will happen after my high school career concludes. Along with my mom, dad and sister, I live with a small, white, fluffy dog.

If you squeeze your way through HBA’s senior area and ask a handful of the soon-to-be college freshmen what they plan to study, most of them will likely answer with majors such as business, biology, English or engineering. If you’re lucky, maybe a few people will name a foreign language. However, not many are likely …

David Brooks explores character development in his recent book, The Road to Character. The conservative political and cultural commentator and writer for the New York Times explores the science behind morals and culture. His main goals consist of revisiting the moral vocabulary of "good old days" and praising examples of admirable character from history. Brooks …

The word “work” does not always excite or interest the young adult population of this century. Over this summer break, some students from HBA left their favorite Hawaii beaches and entered the business world and its office spaces. Whether they dedicated themselves to unpaid internships, paid jobs, or volunteer assignments, these students got a glimpse …

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