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Home/Danielle Toda

Author: Danielle Toda

Danielle Toda

Danielle Toda

I’m a senior this year and have been at HBA since kindergarden. I’m slightly obsessed with unicorns, onesies, popcorn, and nerdy clubs. I have even been given the nickname name Danicorn (follow me on ig: @danielletoda) thanks to a fab group of people called the AP World United Sufferers. Usually, I spend my time either attending endless clubs and meetings, studying, planning some event, or doing things with my church. I also can’t stop talking, ever. I aspire to either be the next Oprah or a Fortune 500 company CEO. #holla

From the beginning notes of  “Intro”, the first track on her latest album, Ariana Grande treats listeners to her powerful and melodic voice through a simple, harmony-filled 1:20 minute song. Immediately, they are invited to join in her album. My Everything, the songstress’ sophomore album, was released on Tuesday, August 26. Often compared to Mariah …

Each new school year usually brings new changes and improvements. Although the HBA handbook rules stayed the same this year, the high school counseling department saw some drastic changes. Students are now grouped and assigned to counselors according their last names rather than by their grade levels. Junior class counselor Andy Taylor left during the summer, …

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