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Author: Hellen Chen

Hellen Chen

Hellen Chen

Hey guys! I’m Hellen Chen, a senior. This is my first and only semester of newspaper production, and I am in LOVE with the class. I enjoy writing, and the English language fascinates me. Other things that enchant me are big skies, music, good books, action movies, and video games. After I graduate, I hope to leave Hawaii to pursue engineering and missions in college. I’ve always wanted to travel the world, and I’m always up for an adventure, even though I’m cooped up in my room studying most of the week. I hope you enjoy my articles.

On October 17, I attended the HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union’s second annual Scholarship Essay Writing Workshop. When I first received the email from senior adviser Tara Gruspe, I knew I wanted to attend the workshop in case it gave tips I might have missed from my English classes. In addition to attending the workshop, students …

On October 14, the class of 2016 went to Waikiki and Queen Emma park for Senior Day, an annual event for the senior class. While the rest of the high school student body stayed at school to take the PSAT, the seniors took the day off to enjoy a class bonding day. Showing up in …

It’s one of the most well-known sayings when it comes to food: “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” From sweet to savory, people have different preferences for their first meal of the day. While many students eat the breakfast offered at the school cafeteria, which includes fried rice, bacon, toast and sausage, …

At HBA, many students participate in service clubs such as NHS, Interact, and Red Cross. A select few take their volunteering to a higher level throughout the year on their own time. Senior Chester Hui is the President of the National Honor Society this year. Apart from facilitating service projects in the club, throughout the …

Since last school year, Ministry Team students have been leading weekly on-campus Bible studies, creating a renewed atmosphere that has caught the attention of their peers and faculty. For many years, Servant Group was the main outlet for high school students to participate in Christian ministry at HBA. The purpose of the group was to …

When I first received a letter from Buzz Aldrin, the second astronaut to walk on the moon, I thought it was a scam. With a shiny “National Academy of Future Scientists and Technologists” logo boldly printed on the first page, the whole invitation looked like a sketchy conference that cost a hefty $925 for tuition, not …

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