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Home/Jazerine Nakamura

Author: Jazerine Nakamura

Jazerine Nakamura

Jazerine Nakamura

One of the more memorable milestones in life is getting a license and having access to a car. For students at HBA, being able to drive yourself to and from school, especially for seniors, is definitely a perk. For one, seniors who drive (and their friends) are no longer limited to school lunches. During lunch …

Last month, HBA lost a well-loved member of the school community. For many, this man played a huge role in their everyday lives at school. Hilarion "Larry" Sayson, Jr, security guard for 13 years at the middle and high school campuses, passed away suddenly on April 13, 2018. Uncle Larry or Mr. Larry, as he …

HBA’s annual Fun Fair took place on April 7 at the Richard Bento Elementary Campus. With new additions like the Supersonic ride, there were also games and food booths, including KC Waffle Dog and Hoku’s BBQ Chicken. Planning and preparation for the annual fun fair begins as early as October. “Most of the time spent …

The average price for a 30-second spot in the Super Bowl this year will cost over $5 million and that does not include the cost to make the ad, according to Sports Illustrated. On February 4, the millions of viewers tuned into Super Bowl LII will see the biggest day of the year for NFL …

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