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Home/Johanna Seng

Author: Johanna Seng

Johanna Seng

Johanna Seng

Hey, I'm Johanna and I'm a senior at HBA. I run cross country and track and I write for the Eagle Eye (obviously). I'm a cat person, my favorite movie is Garden State, and I think that by 2200 the US will have colonized Mars and Elon Musk will have transplanted his consciousness into a supercomputer. Bye.

Last Wednesday, HBA won the Best-in-State in the 53rd Annual Hawaii High School Journalism Awards — for the seventh year in a row. HBA’s Eagle Eye team gathered together in a socially-distanced lunch to watch the awards ceremony virtually, waiting with anticipation until HBA was declared the overall winner over 11 other schools, both private …

There’s T-minus six months until the class of ‘21 leaves for college! As we pack the last of our supplies, don our helmets, and strap ourselves in tight, this crowd of university-bound astronauts anticipates blasting off into an entirely new atmosphere. While we may look forward to hurtling past burning stars and vast galaxies faster …

Last spring, ILH directors weren't sure whether or not there would be a competitive cross-country season, but fortunately for the dedicated runners on the HBA team, this past March has brought a handful of modified races. Although runners must wear masks and are only allowed to race with their own team, it seems as though …

Following the abrupt release of her surprise album, folklore, nobody suspected Taylor Swift to pull a similar stunt just six months later with the release of folklore’s sister album evermore. I certainly wasn’t, but it was not an unwelcome surprise. In fact, I personally enjoyed evermore more than I enjoyed its predecessor, because evermore presents …

I’ve considered myself a Taylor Swift fan (or a Swiftie, if you want to get technical) for a little over a decade now. Because of this, I’ve listened to all of her tracks dozens (if not hundreds) of times, and I can now say with authority that she has gone from someone who relates to …

I turned in the last of my 17 college applications a couple weeks ago. The moment I clicked that final ‘submit’ button, the weight of the world toppled off my shoulders. Although I still await acceptance (and rejection) letters come March, I can’t help but celebrate the completion of each grade listed on the transcript …

Recently, I’ve been hearing a lot of people describe 2020 as the “worst year ever.” This is somewhat laughable. Yes, we have experienced the rapid spread of a highly infectious virus, racial unrest often in the form of violent riots, and fractious debate in preparation for a contentious election, but calling 2020 the absolute worst …

Although I’m sure most of us have always loved listening to music, this season of staying-at-home has given us some extra hours to do so. Some people just like to turn on the radio and listen to whatever comes on, but some people (myself included) are picky about what they listen to. I spend a …

For those who constantly find themselves nose deep in their Instagram feeds or who let the hours slip away whilst playing Halo during this stay-at-home order, some good old-fashioned pleasure-reading can offer a welcome respite. In a world where anyone can publish a book and many have, it can be difficult to find quality literature …

Despite the statewide cancellation of all spring sports and a government-mandated stay-at-home order, the track team continues to train in any way they can in preparation for the upcoming fall cross country season, or, for the seniors, a possible college career. The track team is lucky in that they can run around their neighborhoods and …

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