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Home/Jordyn Hartley

Author: Jordyn Hartley

Jordyn Hartley

Jordyn Hartley

As our fourth quarter starts coming to a close, students everywhere begin a lengthy search for the perfect show or movie to binge-watch over the summer. With the endless number of movies and shows available at the click of a mouse or the tap of a finger, some might have trouble deciding what shows are worth …

Disney’s newest release of the beloved tale of Beauty and the Beast shines beyond the classic Disney princess film, leaving fans of the original animation anticipating more live action remakes to come. Director and screenwriter Bill Condon, who brought to life Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Part 2 (2011-2012), Dreamgirls (2006), and Chicago (2002), returns …

As seniors, school can be overwhelming when teachers, counselors, and family members are constantly asking about our upcoming college decisions and options for future education. No student wants to spend more time thinking about school unless they really have to, especially if he or she is coming down with a case of “senioritis”, much like …

Have you ever just looked at a guy and wondered what is going on in his head? I know I have. Questions ranging from "Why would he say that this dress looks nice, when it makes me look bad!?" to "Why does he like shouting at the football players on TV, it's not like they …

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