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Home/Kayci Kumashiro

Author: Kayci Kumashiro

Kayci Kumashiro

Kayci Kumashiro

Hi! My name is Kayci Kumashiro and I am a senior. Let me run through the basics. I like the color green. My favorite animal is a duck, the Swiss Army knife of the animal world (They can walk, they can fly, they can swim. What can't they do?). My absolute favorite food is Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked ice cream. My daily routine consists of school, homework, an occasional nap, and lots of Pinterest. If I'm not wasting my phone's data looking up DIY projects, I'm rewatching Star Wars and Marvel movies. I also love art. If art was thought of more as a legitimate career, I would definitely spend my days painting and sculpting away. But for now, my career of choice is architecture. My hope this year is to create lots of memories and make it through AP classes.

On Wednesday, September 2 at around 9:40 a.m., HBA students were dismissed early from school due to a power outage. The power outage affected several areas such as Downtown Honolulu, Kalihi, Nuuanu, and Pauoa. Soon after the power went out, an announcement was made over the PA system for teachers to continue on with their …

Marvel is known for bringing memorable comic book characters, such as Iron Man and Captain America, to life in the cinematic world. Their latest film, Ant-Man, is no exception. This smaller scale film—small for Marvel—has its own unique way of bringing the same action and excitement as past superhero movies, while not trying to outdo …

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