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Author: Zadie Young

Zadie Young

Zadie Young

On Monday, May 13, HBA freshmen faced one of their most common fears: public speaking. The culmination of a semester-long research project, the annual ninth grade showcase at the end of the school year is when HBA freshmen present their projects to teachers, parents and friends. This year, students were tasked with researching careers that …

In my previous blog post, I ranked five different store-bought brownie mixes to see which one was the best for its price. If you have time on your hands and are willing to put more effort into what you put on the plate, you could go the homemade route. Though it takes longer to make …

Brownies are a staple baked good. Got a bake sale, potluck, or just crazing a chocolatey treat? It’s easy to whip up a batch of brownies from a store-bought mix— dump it into a bowl, add a few ingredients, put it in the oven, bake, and you’re done. The hardest part to getting a nice …

Sliced apples, a scoop of rice, half a corn dog and some fries, plus a scoop of pasta. Probably enough for a full meal, as long as you don’t mind it coming from the trash can. The Eagle Eye decided to conduct an informal food audit to see how much food gets thrown away after …

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