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Category: Blog

From the April/May Eagle Eye Print Edition | By Vice Principal Ryan Frontiera In this month’s print edition of the Eagle Eye there are two editorials regarding the recent change to HBA’s automatic dismissal policy in the case of a zero-tolerance offense. While the student pieces will no doubt raise good questions, I was asked …

From the April/May Eagle Eye Print Edition On February 14, 2014, HBA administration enacted a landmark decision when it changed its Zero Tolerance Policy from an automatic dismissal to a case-by-case review. That decision, in my opinion, was a foolish one. Perhaps one can analyze the context of the decision and defend the administration. A recent …

From the April/May Eagle Eye Print Edition. We tend to see grace and justice as opposing concepts, each giving a different view to the same situation, like two different kinds of lenses. Justice is the objective lens, shaped by a concrete set of rules that determine what you deserve based on values. Grace, on the …

It’s often mistaken that complimenting someone means that you are required to discredit your own abilities in order to make it sincere. You enter a pathway of telling someone how good they are at something, but spiral down the road until it’s about how you don’t measure up or about your flaws. At this point, …

Teaching definitely has its favorable moments but teachers have no shortage of personal pet peeves when it comes to their daily interactions with students. Some HBA high school teachers were asked to share what specifically irked them during the school day. Here's what they had to say: 1. When students ask, "Did I miss anything?" …

Just like the teachers here at HBA, high school students were also asked to express any pet peeves they have when it comes to teachers. This is what they had to say:   1. I dislike when teachers favor certain students just because they do better in that class. It doesn’t give the other students …

On April 9, 21 students were stabbed at a high school in Pittsburgh.  That same day, HBA coincidentally conducted a lockdown drill during the school day at both the high school and middle school. As the announcement for the drill was made, I sat at my desk with a quiz in front of me, happy …

Have you ever felt afraid that someone close to you is angry with you? You sense the harsh, cold vibe surrounding their actions and realize, without anyone having said anything, that they're really upset with you. But what do you do about it? And what if you're just overreacting? Everyone deals with anger differently. Some …

Radio hosts are set in place to give stations a ‘personality’ that the common public will recognize and remember. While having complete control of a live show can be a liberating job, it’s not an excuse to belittle people just because it increases self-esteem and solicits laughs from other people. Any host’s main focus is …

Earlier this semester, I held a strong disagreement toward one of HBA's dress code rules. The rule stated that students could not wear "unapproved clothing, such as... non-HBA approved jackets." The high school student handbook lists the following as HBA-approved jackets: the black Mills zipper jacket, the Mills rain jacket, the gray HBA hoodie, and …

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