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From puakenikenis to banana trees, HBA’s campuses in Nu’uanu feature a diverse array of plants. HBA students also get to enjoy green spaces when not in their classrooms—the elementary school’s grassy quad with its la’amia tree (one of just a small handful on Oahu) is a gathering place for assemblies and play, the middle school …

The transition to high school can be difficult for freshmen, especially when it comes to academic expectations and extracurricular activities like sports. As the third quarter comes to a close, the Eagle Eye caught up with some freshmen and freshman advisors to see how they feel about the year thus far.Illustrations by Maya Wong ('28) "This …

Sixteen HBA boys played on the varsity basketball team this year—eight seniors, one junior, five sophomores, and two freshmen who were called up from the junior varsity team. With an ILH league record of 9 wins and 5 losses, the Eagles had a competitive season and bonded as team on and off the court. A …

January 17, 2025 - The girls varsity team will play first at 5:00 p.m. against the Mid-Pacific Owls. Then the boys will play against Hanalani at 6:30 p.m. Girls Basketball The Lady Eagles are on a winning streak, with a 7-1 league record, losing just one game this season against Hanalani. Tonight's game against the …

As the first semester comes to a close, the Eagle Eye interviewed seven students from the Class of 2024 to see what they've been up to since graduation. Michelle Lee | Chapman University How has school been so far? School itself has been pretty good. Since I am in a smaller university, my largest class …

A homemade apple pie is perfect for the holidays. This pie features an apple filling with a touch of caramel and the recipe is adapted from Sally’s Baking Addiction. I've made some of my own modifications and have added some tips to guide you. The directions are super easy to follow but it does takes …

The Hiking Club at the high school has been busy this past semester since it was started in August by juniors Lauren Okuda, Kylie Ancheta, and Rhyan Cobb. They have been on three adventures so far: Lanikai Pillbox, Likeke Falls, and a Thanksgiving morning "Turkey Trek" sunrise hike on Kuliouou Ridge Trail. Faculty club advisor …

On November 2, the boys varsity cross country team won the Division 2 state title at the HHSAA State Championship race in Maui, with senior Xan Waialeale medaling in 16th place overall. The girls varsity team finished in second place, with sophomore Rylee Sato medaling in 13th place overall. Heading into the championship, the boys …

The Boy’s Varsity bowling team won the ILH Division 2 title this year and finished in third place at the HHSAA State Championships. The bowlers shared a sense of accomplishment as their season came to an end. Evan Tamashiro, a senior, said, “Our best achievement this year was shooting over 1000 pins as a team …

This past fall break, 19 HBA students from the high school Japanese language program took a trip to Japan. In contrast to previous years when the study tour took students to central cities like Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima, and Tokyo, this tour headed north to Hokkaido. The goal of the trip was to “introduce the culture, …

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