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This week, HBA high and middle school students will explore the question, “What if playground games were in real life?” With the seniors as “Infection,” the juniors as “Night at the Museum,” the sophomores as “Cops and Robbers,” the freshmen as “Marco Polo,” and the middle schoolers as “Hide and Seek,” each class will compete …

Our journey to the United Kingdom began at 5:00 AM at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport as 45 bleary-eyed but chipper students dragged their luggage across the airport, eager to begin their English Literature adventure. After about 26 hours of travel—including two flights, two transits, a brief confrontation between Frankfurt’s airport security and an …

The HBA varsity cross country team placed 4th (girls) and 3rd (boys) at the HHSAA Cross Country State Championship on November 4, 2023. Despite the many injuries that plagued their runners this season, the team managed to qualify for the state championship by being in the top 40 finishers in the ILH Division Championships.  “This …

Starting at a new school is hard, let alone a new school in a new country. However, freshman Mina Kwon has risen to the challenge. She moved from Korea to the Hawaii to attend high school at HBA this year, leaving behind her immediate family and all things familiar, including her friends and a pet …

The high school theater class will perform their fall production on December 8 and 9 in the high school gym. Titled "One Christmas Eve at Evergreen Mall," the play combines eight stories into one and is set in a fictional mall, where shoppers are faced with last minute decisions on what to buy, what to …

On October 14, the Pac-5 Boys Air Riflery Team won the first place title in the ILH Championship. The girls team took second place, capping off an impressive season for the Air Riflery program overall. The Pac-5 team is made up of seven schools and there were 16 HBA students in the combined junior varsity …

On October 19, 2023, HBA's National Honors Society (NHS) and the HBA Student Council Community Relations Committee partnered up with freshman Madan Abe to hold a sign-waving event to promote pedestrian safety awareness.  Abe, as part of his 8th grade Capstone Project last year, wanted to improve on pedestrian safety specifically at the Pali Highway …

As we head into the second quarter of school, the Eagle Eye caught up with a handful of last year’s seniors to find out how they were doing in college. Cameron Pien ('23) - Cornell University How has school been so far? College has been very intellectually stimulating and inspiring! The array of subjects I …

The Class of 2027 headed to Camp Homelani for their first grade-wide high school camp from September 20 to 22. The time spent at camp helped the students get to know each other through fun activities and family groups. Another focus of camp through the chapel sessions led by Christian Ministries Coordinator Charles Poore was …

Many underclassmen have what they call “the dreaded PSAT” marked on their calendars every year. But as of this year, the College Board has decided to move the PSAT to an online format – a first for everyone – potentially reducing student’s sense of dread as the online exam will be around 45 minutes shorter. …

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