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Category: News

For the second year in a row, the HBA Eagle Eye staff took home the Best-in-State title at the 2016 Hawaii High School Journalism Awards competition. The Eagle Eye also received 19 awards across a range of categories. On Wednesday, April 20, student journalists from 18 public and private high schools gathered at the Pagoda Hotel to find out …

As students started their first week back from Spring break, the high school student council put on a campus-wide Easter egg hunt starting this past Tuesday. Besides candy and small treats, students have been on the look out for three golden eggs containing tickets for special prizes. On Wednesday, while hunting with his friends for …

Sustainable agriculture has become a hot topic of late. As global population increases, countries around the world are investing in new ways of perpetual growing and self-sustaining agriculture. Led by teacher Claire Mitchell, the AP Environmental Science class at HBA has begun the process of caring for eco-columns, which are small-scale models of self-sustainability. These are …

With the Presidential Primaries coming to an end, the Republican and Democratic parties both confirmed last night that their Presidential nominees will be businessman Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton respectively. This news has ravaged the American public as many call their victory “the best of mad men.” As of this morning, …

On February 8, HBA started off the first day of the Chinese New Year with the banging of a gong. During lunch, the Gee Yung International Martial Arts Dragon and Lion Dance Association gave a lion dance performance for teachers, students, and faculty of the middle and high school. Among the lion dancers were four …

When looking back on this season’s state championship game in Hilo in February, the HBA girls varsity basketball team will never forget the blaring, unmistakable sound of the buzzer that signaled the end of the game and crowned them Division II State Champions for the first time in the school’s history. Last year, the same …

On Friday, February 5, the HBA Jazz band played pre-concert music as a part of a Hawaii Pops Beatles show in front of the Hilton Hawaiian Village Tapa Ballroom. A school bus transported the band members to the hotel after school and the band began playing at 6:15 p.m..The band performed in the reception area …

On January 25, AP Bio and AP Environmental students visited Monsanto farms to learn about its genetically modified plants. Students were introduced to a presentation about the history of Monsanto and its technology for genetic modification. This was followed by a tour around the Monsanto test plots to look at some of their crops. Both …

In high school many students sacrifice their time and energy in order to better themselves mentally, physically, and socially by playing a sport. Besides the physical benefits, many athletes say that their involvement in sports also gives them opportunities to meet people and relieve stress. In school sports, the make-up of teams is everchanging as …

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