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After school on Friday, September 18, 2015, the sophomore student council held their first class social of the year. The social was themed “Heroes vs. Villains”, and the sophomores enjoyed pizza and live music before the main event began. Called “Infinity Games,” the main event pitted sophomores against each other in a capture-the-flag game. There …

Downloadable Content, or DLC, has become increasing common in the video game market. Using a credit card, a debit card, or sometimes a prepaid card, players can purchase extra content in their game, such as equipment or more areas to explore. In the game Super Smash Bros for the 3DS and Wii U, players can …

On Thursday, September 17, right as the school bell rang, more than 100 HBA freshmen flooded out of their respective classrooms and rushed to the middle school campus to board the busses that would take them to their very first high school camp. Held at the Pu'u Kahea Conference Center in Waianae, the camp took …

There are many reasons to eat a balanced diet and to live a healthy lifestyle. At HBA, students and faculty have a choice to eat in the cafeteria, bring homemade food, or leave the campus to buy food if they are able to. While not everyone can boast of eating well every meal, they would …

It’s one of the most well-known sayings when it comes to food: “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” From sweet to savory, people have different preferences for their first meal of the day. While many students eat the breakfast offered at the school cafeteria, which includes fried rice, bacon, toast and sausage, …

One of the most popular senior privileges is the ability to leave school during lunch or during a Senior Independent Period—commonly referred to as “senior independence.” For the first time in their school career, seniors are able to go off campus and do a variety of activities during school hours. This privilege allows seniors a …

On September 9, 2015 at lunch, over 80 students gathered in D201/D202 to enjoy a Japanese Club hosted pancake party. With the help of a few students, Japanese teacher Chie Watanabe made over 400 pancakes to prepare for the club’s first meeting. “The first meeting went really well. The chocolate chip pancakes were really good, …

Over the last month, Hawaii’s rainy weather has caused major problems in Oahu’s sewage system. This hurricane season, nearly 500,000 gallons of raw or untreated sewage has leaked into the waters off Waikiki, Kailua, Kaneohe, Waimanalo, Sand Island, and the Ala Wai Canal. The chaos that these sewage spills caused has landed Honolulu in the …

A chorus of "Sensei, konichiwa" reverberates throughout the Japanese room as students greet the teacher at the start of every class. Following the command "chakuseki"—"sit" in Japanese— students take their seats, and open up their textbooks and workbooks. They begin that day's lessons, whether it be grammar, vocabulary, or kanji. At HBA, it is required …

At HBA, many students participate in service clubs such as NHS, Interact, and Red Cross. A select few take their volunteering to a higher level throughout the year on their own time. Senior Chester Hui is the President of the National Honor Society this year. Apart from facilitating service projects in the club, throughout the …

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