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Category: News

On Monday March 19, over 200 students attended HBA's annual junior-senior banquet at the Hilton Prince Kuhio Hotel in Waikiki. After months of promposals in school and planning by the junior banquet committee, the event, themed "A Red Carpet Affair," took place on the first Monday of Spring Break. At HBA, the junior class traditionally …

While many students enjoyed the local sun and waves this Spring Break, a group of 0ver 50 freshmen and sophomores explored the concrete jungles of New York City in 30-degree weather. HBA’s annual East Coast Trip took the students through Virginia, Washington D.C, Pennsylvania, and New York. Along the way, students visited Gettysburg, the Pennsylvania …

The HBA high school wind ensemble went to Disneyland during Spring Break to perform at the Anaheim Heritage Festival and won a silver award. This is the first time that an HBA high school band has taken part in a competition on the mainland. The event featured schools from all over the country and took …

April Fool's Day is best known for the pranks and practical jokes pulled on innocent and unsuspecting people simply for entertainment and laughs. While the day itself is supposed to be a light hearted and comedic time, the history behind it is not so humorous. Circa AD 276, Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius Probus was proclaimed …

During A period on April 1, two students spotted an odd creature making its way down Nu'uanu stream. The freshmen were headed to the counseling office from a first floor classroom when they heard a distant splash from down the stream. The pair snapped a quick iPad picture but was only able to take one …

Seniors were surprised on April Fool's Day with root beer floats by their class council. Following all-school homeroom, vice principal Ryan Frontiera informed the senior class that due to a lack of cleanliness, the seniors had lost the privilege of using the senior area. In addition, their off-campus privileges were suspended. This was actually an …

While many students never had the opportunity to meet Colonel Stanley A. Sagert, the man credited with saving HBA, they are reminded of his name daily as we go to school on the Stan Sagert Campus. Sagert served as President of HBA for 17 years and died on January 25, 2014 at the age of …

Around February 17, over fifty people from different states arrived in Honolulu with a common goal for the week: to see HBA’s mission in action and to celebrate the school’s 65th anniversary. These visitors, known collectively as the Mainland Advisor Council (MAC), have supported HBA through prayer and financial giving. For their first time, MAC …

The Boys Varsity Varsity team placed fourth at the Maui Invitational Volleyball Tournament held at Seabury Hall where they participated in a two-day, ten-team tourney. The boys team traveled to Seabury High School in Makawao, Maui from February 28 to March 1 for the tournament. There were two pools of five teams and HBA's pool …

Photographs by Logan Takeda ('16) To complete the World War II unit in American History, sophomores visited the Pacific Aviation Museum, Arizona Memorial, and Battleship Missouri on Monday. Students got to see the planes and battleships involved in the war and learn more about what took place during the Pearl Harbor attack. At the Pacific …

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