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From puakenikenis to banana trees, HBA’s campuses in Nu’uanu feature a diverse array of plants. HBA students also get to enjoy green spaces when not in their classrooms—the elementary school’s grassy quad with its la’amia tree (one of just a small handful on Oahu) is a gathering place for assemblies and play, the middle school …

Sixteen HBA boys played on the varsity basketball team this year—eight seniors, one junior, five sophomores, and two freshmen who were called up from the junior varsity team. With an ILH league record of 9 wins and 5 losses, the Eagles had a competitive season and bonded as team on and off the court. A …

January 17, 2025 - The girls varsity team will play first at 5:00 p.m. against the Mid-Pacific Owls. Then the boys will play against Hanalani at 6:30 p.m. Girls Basketball The Lady Eagles are on a winning streak, with a 7-1 league record, losing just one game this season against Hanalani. Tonight's game against the …

The girls varsity team finished their regular season 10-5, defeating Damien 42-32 in their finalseason game and placing third overall in their league. Their third place finish earned them a spot at the Division 2 state championships, where they finished in 5th place. The varsity boys were one win away from a third straight trip …

Last September, an assortment of botanists, nature enthusiasts, and students of HBA’s National Honor Society gathered in Pia Valley in East Oahu with one goal in mind: help restore the Pia Valley to its purest, natural state. Under the guidance of Protect & Preserve Hawaii, a local non-profit, the group of volunteers would hike into …

Our journey to the United Kingdom began at 5:00 AM at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport as 45 bleary-eyed but chipper students dragged their luggage across the airport, eager to begin their English Literature adventure. After about 26 hours of travel—including two flights, two transits, a brief confrontation between Frankfurt’s airport security and an …

2023 started off with a bang at the middle and high school with Spirit Week on the second week of the semester. This year’s theme was “Before They Were Famous,” which featured what fast food chain mascots were doing before the chains became multi-billion dollar businesses. Every day that week, grades 9 through 12 came together …

On February 9, 2023, the boys varsity basketball team played Kohala in the semi-finals of the Heide & Cook/Division II boys basketball championships. The Eagles lost 45-61 to Kohala and finished fourth in the championship. Photographs by Brendan Aoki ('24).

Bleachers shook, crowds clapped, and chanting filled the air...two years ago. Spirit Week was one of HBA’s most exciting times of the year until Covid-19 ended all-school assemblies. In the last two years, HBA's Spirit Week has struggled to retain its excitement as it adapted to pandemic-related restrictions. This excitement was precisely what HBA’s student council …

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