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The boys varsity team finished 4th in the state championships this year, the highest placing (also in 2015 and 2008) for the school. Prior to the state championships, they capped off an impressive ILH season and finished on the top of the Division 2 league with a 10-1 record. Photo Gallery - HBA vs Hanalani …

Spirit Week took place from April 12 to 16 this year in a modified format. Seventh graders through seniors participated in separate grade-wide assemblies during the week, competing for points through events like capture the flag, donut eating, and advisor balloon toss. Here are some pictures from the week. Photographs by Justin Mayeshiro ('22), Brendan …

Even though the ILH season was cancelled for basketball this year, HBA ran a basketball "experience" for its athletes. At the start, the athletes began participating first in individual drills outdoors. Then they were allowed to move into the gym. Then they began drills where they were allowed to share basketballs. In mid February, they …

This year on April 22, most of us in the United States will be celebrating Earth Day at home. The COVID-19 stay-at-home order in Hawaii, which began at the end March, has halted all non-essential activities both indoors and outdoors. As we logged more and more hours staying-at-home, many of us have come to realize …

When I tell people that I only spend half the year with my father, they mostly come up with just these three conclusions: One: He is in the U.S. Military;Two: My parents are divorced; orThree: He is an absentee parent. Well, he is none of these things. My father is a ship captain for Matson, …

On January 10, HBA held its Homecoming Games, closing out the end of Spirit Week 2020. Before a packed home crowd, the Lady Eagles defeated Punahou II in the girls varsity basketball game, with a final score of 47 - 20. The boys team put up a tough fight in their game but Hanalani prevailed …

For that past few months each grade has been preparing for their Spirit Week Pepper Squad performance. This seven-minute skit is a HBA tradition that features music, songs and dance. For this year’s “Scrambled Cinema” theme, each grade was assigned a movie and an era that they had to mash together to make an original …

For third day of Spirit Week, students came to school dressed to the theme of Apps & Games. During the assembly, classes competed to fit as many people as they could onto a platform in Platform Jam. Each class is given one minute to fit as many students onto a platform as they can and …

On the second day of Spirit Week 2020, students dressed up as their favorite nursery rhyme or children’s book characters. Dr Seuss characters in particular swarmed the school; all seniors came dressed as Dr. Seuss characters and there were many pairs of Thing 1 and Thing 2, and even Things 4 through 6. The day's …

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