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Chinatown Viewed Through A Lens

The Introduction to Newspaper and Yearbook class, led by Journalism teacher Eunice Sim, recently took a field trip to Chinatown in order to brush up on their photography skills.

It was a short trip during an extended period to explore the various landmarks, buildings, and marketplaces of Chinatown.

Before arriving at their destination, the students were given a list of compositional guidelines that their pictures had to demonstrate. These included dramatic angles, narrow depth of field, and stop motion shots.

The trip began at the historic Hawaii Theater and the class made their way towards Kekaulike Marketplace along King Street, stopping along the way to take pictures. The vibrant colors and busyness of the marketplace allowed for a variety of pictures. After the field trip, students put together presentations showing off their pictures and talked about the thought processes behind composing each picture.

Amelia McKenzie

Amelia McKenzie

I’m Amelia, and I am a senior. This is my second year with the Eagle Eye, and I love it! I enjoy watching TV as a way to escape from the enormous amount of school work HBA gives. My favorite TV shows are Downton Abbey, Project Runway, and The Office. Random things I also love are elephants, shave ice, and RVCA. My dream is to live in chilly San Francisco. Why dress down when you can bundle up?


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