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Comic: Graduation 2022

There’ll be more than just graduation caps being thrown into the air this year.

Samantha Sebastian

Samantha Sebastian

Hello, I am Sam, with the green eggs and spam! During my down time, I love to jam out on the piano or bass. Sometimes, I find myself frolicking in the great outdoors, whether it is hiking or running a few miles, but I also enjoy the comfort of curling up on my bed while falling down the Youtube rabbit hole of crime documentaries, video game playthroughs, cooking shows, and so on. Oh, and there's no correlation between the two, but I’m a huge fan of loco mocos and cats. Thanks for listening to my TED talk, and I hope you enjoy whatever you read with my name on it! (Shout out to my not-so-active-but-cool art account @lococohaven)


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