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What to do in the last few months of high school

Being a senior in high school has its advantages. We are at a place where we are too old to be called children, but still too young to be called adults. What is there to do in these in-between months before we head off to college?

1) Dinners with your family

There are nights when you are busy with homework or when you would rather be on FaceTime your friends, and your mother calls you downstairs for dinner. I know dinner may seem like an interruption in your busy life, but your parents are equally, if not more occupied. The importance of sharing a meal and quality time with your family should not be forgotten. If your family values dinner time, be thankful and mindful of that time. You will have many hours alone in your dorm room eating microwaved meals. Take advantage of the company of your family while you still have it.

2) School dances

Even if dancing is not your forte, prom is a must. Some may say it’s not worth the financial investment, and I can agree to that. In that case, don’t make expensive purchases! Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a $200 sparkling dress to go to prom. I once bought a black prom dress for $30 from a small clothing store, borrowed my friend’s shoes, and used an old clutch from my mother. The most important part of prom is being there and enjoying it.

3)  Get to know a teacher well

As high school ends, most of our relationships with teachers will end as well. We tend to forget that faculty members were once in our shoes and often have useful advice to offer. Be open minded about getting to know an adult on your campus. Your parents will always be adult influences in your life but teachers won’t be easily accessible once you graduate, so take advantage of your time with them.

4) Go out to study

If you’re having a hard time focusing on school work at home, get out of the house with a study group. Going out to study is helpful because a different environment can motivate you to focus more. Also, studying with friends combines your social life with your work life, making the latter feel less like work. Instead of going out to a movie, you and your friends can still spend quality time together while preparing for that test on Monday.

5) Make the most of driving privileges.

By junior or senior year, many students are starting to get their licenses. If you drive yourself to school, carpooling is very helpful, especially if you have to pay for your own gas money. Carpooling helps me save money, and it’s more fun to go to school with my friends. Sometimes, we grab breakfast along the way, and go off campus together during our senior Independence periods.

6) Get involved.

Joining clubs in high school can connect you to people of all ages. In my freshman year, as an Interact Club member, I was able to develop strong friendships with upperclassmen because we did service projects together. Clubs allow you to create memories with people that are outside of your grade, making for a richer experience.

Johannah Wilford

Johannah Wilford

J-O-H-A-N-N-A… H. There’s an H on the end but it inevitably disappears on birthday cards, trophies, and certificates. Not a pet peeve at all. I am half Korean, half African American. I am either snacking on something or unconsciously dancing. Eating or dancing, there’s not much of an in between. Youngest child and only girl, the attention works towards and against my favor. I listen to at least one Bob Marley song every day of my life… “favorite artist” would be an understatement. I am lactose intolerant, but I faithfully consume coffee ice cream until my intestines feel like they will implode. I am aspiring to become a flight attendant.


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