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Meet your new officers

The following interviews of the 2015-2016 student council officers were conducted by Shannon Mau (SM) to delve deeper into the personalities and tastes of the student government for next year.

Isabel Wiemken (President)isabel

SM: What is your favorite color?
IW: Green and yellow because they’re bright and easter-like. I like easter.
SM: Apples or Oranges??
IW: Apples
SM: If you could be anyone but yourself, who would you be?
IW: I don’t have to answer quickly right?
SM: No.
IW: Ok, I’m stressing out here. I think I’d be Celine Dion because she’s so glamorous and she can sing really well.
SM: What is your favorite sport?
IW: My favorite sport is canoe paddling.
SM: What was the last lie you told?
IW: I said I was studying in my room but I was actually watching Netflix.
SM: What is your favorite and least favorite word?
IW: Oh my gosh this is hard! Uhm, my favorite word is stokin’ because I say it a lot. And my least favorite word is no.
SM: If you were on a desert island, what is one things you’d want with you?
IW: Netflix.
SM: Who is your favorite athlete?
IW: I like Apolo Ohno. He’s my favorite.
SM: What is your least favorite subject in school?
IW: Math, for sure.
SM: Good choice.

joyyJoyy Young (VP)

SM: If you’re walking home in the dark and you see something move, who is it, and what do you do?
JY: How am I supposed to know who it is?
SM: Well who do you think would be following you in the dark?
JY: I have no idea.
SM: One of your friends?
JY: No.
SM: Your dad?
JY: No.
SM: Ok next question: If you could be any candy, what would you be?
JY: A York peppermint patty.
SM: What is your pet peeve?
JY: When people aren’t on time.
SM: What is your least favorite subject?
JY: Math because it’s not fun.
SM: Who is your favorite teacher?
JY: Mrs. Mitchell.
SM: What is your favorite and least favorite word?
JY: My favorite word is shushamoaga and my least favorite word is…I’m not sure.
SM: Why is shushamoaga your favorite word?
JY: It’s my own word and I think it’s very original.
SM: Does it have a meaning?
JY: No, it’s more like expressing distress.
SM: If you were an ice cream flavor, what would you be?
JY: Rainbow.
SM: If you could add one person to Mount Rushmore, who would you add on?
JY: Captain Janeway. She’s from Star Trek.
SM: What is your secret obsession?
JY: Watching My Little Pony. It’s not very secret though.
SM: If you were on a desert island, what is one thing you’d want with you?
JY: Food.
SM: If you were an animal, what would you be?
JY: A wolf.

chambreChambre Mangiarelli (treasurer)

SM: What is your favorite number and why?
CM: I like seven, because you win the lottery that way.
SM: Who would you add onto Mount Rushmore?
CM: Luke Hemmings, because he’s my future husband and deserves to be honored.
SM: If you sat down next to Jesus on a bus, what would you talk about?
CM: Whether I’m going to Hell or Heaven.
SM: Which do you think you’re going to?
CM: Uhm, I don’t think you want me to answer that.
SM: If you had to be allergic to anything, what would it be?
CM: Jantzen Nakai.
SM: What was the last picture you took on your phone?
CM: Of myself because I’m beautiful.
SM: What is your pet peeve?
CM: When people like Jasmine Lee have terrible handwriting and I can’t read it.
SM: Cats or dogs and why?
CM: Cats, because cats are bae.
SM: Are you a morning or a night person?
CM: Night person. My bed loves me a lot. Oh and I’m also grumpy and grouchy in the morning, so future husband beware of that.
SM: What is an unusual hobby of yours?
CM: I like to crochet, knit, and sew.
SM: If you had a superpower what would it be?
CM: I’d like to be invisible because it’s easier to walk behind cute guys that way.

charleneCharlene Chen (Corresponding Secretary)

SM: What was the last lie you told?
CC: Today.
SM: …Yeah, what was it?
CC: Oh, that I worked really hard on an assignment, when I didn’t try at all, to get better grade. Wait, where’s this going?
SM: The newspaper.
CC: Oh ok. Whatever, everyone does that.
SM: If you could be any ice cream flavor, what would you be?
CC: Vanilla, because my favorite color is white. Also because know one would eat me.
SM: If you could be anyone but yourself, who would you be?
CC: I’d be someone crazy. I have no idea. Lady Gaga!
SM: What is your secret obsession?
CC: Naps. I take naps everyday.
SM: If you could watch one movie right now, what would it be?
CC: Wolf of Wall Street.
SM: If you’re walking home in the dark and you see something move, who is it and what do you do?
CC: I’d say it’s Bloody Mary. She’s from a book and I love her. I’d hug her.
SM: What is one item you probably should throw away but never will?
CC: Pictures.
SM: Any in specific?
CC: No.
SM: Apples or oranges?
CC: Oranges.
SM: Cats or dogs?
CC: Dogs.
SM: What is your favorite and least favorite word?
CC: My favorite word is probably a bad word. I’m kidding. Probably something long.
SM: Blonde?
CC: No, something long. As in a long word. And my least favorite word would be any slang word.
SM: If you could add anyone to Mount Rushmore, who would you add?
CC: I’d add MLK. He’s pretty cool.
SM: If you had a superpower, what would it be?
CC: Compulsion. Like it’d be mind control. I’d be able to look someone in the eye and make them do something.

laurenLauren Chin (Recording Secretary)

SM: Who is your celebrity crush?
LC: Beyonce.
SM: Who is your favorite athlete?
LC: Umm…
SM: Should we go to the next one?
LC: Yeah.
SM: What is your favorite number and why?
LC: Four because it’s an even number. And I was usually (number) four in my class.
SM: What is your favorite color and why?
LC: I like blue, because it’s the color of the ocean.
SM: If you had a superpower, what would it be?
LC: Mind reading.
SM: Why?
LC: Because I like reading minds.
SM: If you could be anyone but yourself, who would you be?
LC: I’d be my dog.
SM: What is your secret obsession?
LC: I like gummy things.
SM: Are you a morning or a night person?
LC: I’m both because I’m just awesome.
SM: If you were an ice cream flavor, which one would you be?
SM: I’d be the plain Jane vanilla ice cream, because it’s so plain yet everyone likes it.
LC: I don’t.
SM: What was the last lie you told?
LC: I’m not tired.
SM: If you had to be allergic to something, what would it be?
LC: Fish. No actually I’d be allergic to homework.





  1. Wendy

    August 20, 2015

    Isabel’s last name is spelt WIEMKEN, I really enjoyed reading all the interesting answers, nice getting to know a little about each person, very funny answers at times.


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