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Message from HBA President concerning COVID-19 plans & policies

Today, the school’s president, Ron Shiira, sent out an email message to K-12 families at HBA detailing the school’s plans and policies concerning COVID-19. Below is a copy of the message. Visit the school’s dedicated webpage for the latest updates.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As we begin to prepare for the final quarter of the school year, our highest priority remains the safety and health of our community. In preparation for an outbreak of COVID-19, we would like to announce the following updates to our schedule and some of our policies:

Spring Break Extended to March 30
We are extending our Spring Break by one day to allow our faculty time to prepare lessons in the unlikely event that we are forced to cancel school. Fourth quarter will begin on Tuesday, March 31. Details regarding our plans for distance learning will be emailed out on Wednesday, March 11.

Spike Nite, Junior/Senior Prom, and Other Events
Both Spike Nite and Junior/Senior Prom are scheduled to continue as planned. At Spike Nite, volunteers will offer hand sanitizer at the entrances of the gymnasium. Food will not be served buffet style, rather, it will be pre-packaged to-go. At Prom, hand sanitizer will be made available at the registration table and before students get food from the buffet line.

As we continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation, we will bring you updates on all future school events. You can also check here on our website for the latest updates.

International Travel
School-related international travel has been suspended until further notice, or as determined by a school administrator. The high school trip to the Galapagos Islands during spring break will continue as scheduled.

If any member in your household is traveling to a country with a CDC Level 2 designation or higher, you must notify your campus administrator. If this designation is upgraded to Level 3 while they are there, you will be expected to notify the school and participate in a mandatory 14-day self-quarantine. Students may return to school with a doctor’s clearance after the 14-day quarantine.

If anyone in your household has traveled to a country with a CDC Level 2 designation within the last 30 days, and they return with no flu-like symptoms, students may return to school without a doctor’s note or without a 14-day self-quarantine. However, if the traveler does have symptoms, such as fever, headache, nausea, etc., the student must obtain a doctor’s clearance to return to school and follow the doctor’s advice regarding self-quarantine.

If anyone in your household has traveled to a country with a CDC Level 3 designation in the last 30 days, you and your student(s) are expected to notify the school and participate in a mandatory 14-day self-quarantine. Students may return to school with a doctor’s clearance after they have completed the quarantine.

Domestic Travel
All school-related travel to the U.S. Mainland will be closely monitored and reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

If any members of your household have visited an area on the mainland with confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the last 30 days, and return to Hawaii with flu-like symptoms, you and your student(s) must self-quarantine for 14 days. Students may return to school with a doctor’s clearance. If there are no symptoms, students may return to school without a doctor’s clearance and are not required to self-quarantine for 14 days.

Absences will be excused if they are in observance of our policy related to COVID-19.

All visitors from countries with a CDC Level 2 or higher will not be allowed until further notice. Visitors from areas with known COVID-19 cases in the last 30 days may or may not be allowed on campus at the discretion of the campus administrator.

HBA’s Summer School program will not be accepting international students for the 2020 session.

Cleaning Policies
Our staff will continue their daily cleaning practices, which includes disinfecting all students’ desks, table tops, cabinets, door knobs, sinks, hand rails and water fountains. Hallways, lockers, walls, floors and common areas are also disinfected three times each week.

For future updates, please visit our website at

Please continue to practice good hygiene, such as washing your hands using soap and running water for at least 20 seconds and drink plenty of fluids.

It is our prayer that God’s peace, which transcends all understanding, would guard your hearts and minds during these uncertain times (Philippians 4:7).

Ron Shiira ‘75




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