Each new year offers a fresh start to achieve new goals and get rid of old habits.
At the start of the year, a lot of people make resolutions to change something in their life or to accomplish something. Here are some 2014 New Year’s resolutions that HBA students and faculty have made:
“Sleep less, eat less, and not be as lazy.”
Shannon Wong (’10)
“I plan to start eating healthier, hopefully get better grades, and get into the college of my dreams.”
Bryn Yasui (’12)
“To try and be nicer to people and to try harder for school by studying for tests.”
Ellie Shimatsu (’10)
“Focus more on my school work and other things.”
Nicholas Kanno (‘9)
“Not procrastinate.”
Davis Tsuha (‘9)
“To not get lazy when I’m doing homework and actually finish the assignment before I go to sleep.”
Megan Horita (’11)
“To stop procrastinating, because I procrastinated too much last year.”
Jantzen Nakai (’10)
“Be more serious in school and other relationships.”
Darian Pang (’12)
“I plan to play less Clash of Clans.”
Garrett Omoto (Art Teacher)