Twenty-six HBA students spent the waning days of summer break participating in the 31rst annual Pacific Music Institute program held at McKinley High School, July 6 to 15.
A program of the Hawaii Youth Symphony, the Pacific Music Institute (or PMI) provides intensive music workshops and sectionals for students from across the state, culminating in chamber (like-instruments together) and concert band performances. This year, band director, Brad Shimizu, served as co-conductor for the concert band.

“I believe PMI is a great way for musicians to learn more about music while meeting new friends along the way. As an 8th grader, I felt a lot of pressure on me because all the other students were in middle school. But over time, I became more comfortable with the other students. I definitely think PMI will benefit a musician way more than just inside the classroom. I can’t wait to join again next year.”—Ryan Fukui (’23)

“My first year at PMI was a memorable experience. I met new people who were all interested in music and good at what they do. It was cool to be a part of a band and be able to create such an amazing sound.” —Joy Maehara (’21)

“It was really fun! I really enjoyed it. At first, I was kind of hesitant to do PMI because I thought it would be too hard, but I don’t regret it. I learned so much.” —Tamryn Yamamoto

“The first year was pretty scary with auditioning and stuff, but my friends made it fun and somewhat relaxing in a way. The second year was better than the first because I got harder music parts, which I enjoyed. The third year was pretty ‘lit’ ’cause I got first part so I got to play in the orchestra too and the music got a lot more confusing. But overall it was fun with friends.” —Vincent Ogasawara (’20)

“My 2nd year of PMI was super intensive and tiring, but spending time with friends and playing new music with the Symphony Orchestra made the sore mouth worth it.” —Courtney Lee (’19)