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Summer Travel: Students Expand Horizons

While school offers you a long and agonizing year of essays, math equations, projects, and deadlines, summer gives you only one deadline to worry about: the date and time that you need to have your bags packed and passport in hand.

Some HBA students turned into world travelers this summer as they embarked on adventures from as close to home as Maui to as far away as Rome.

Makenzie Cammack

No matter how close your final destination is to home, traveling is enjoyable on any scale. Junior Makenzie Cammack saved herself from jet lag and enjoyed a recreational trip to the neighbor island of Maui. The last time Cammack visited Maui was on HBA’s fourth grade outer island trip. From beach hopping to spending quality time with friends and family, Cammack got the chance to see Hawaii in a whole new way. “Whereas in Oahu we have traffic and tourist infested beaches, Maui has a lot of natural beauty and really makes me appreciate God’s beauty more. Plus Maui’s Ululani Shave Ice is so much better than Oahu’s shave ice shops,” she said.

Megan Yamauchi

If you are one who doesn’t have a reason to travel, joining a sports team would certainly get you off the “rock”. Sports is not only a big part of students’ lives during the school year, but it also serves as a summer hobby and often gives students the opportunity to travel to new places. Sophomore Megan Yamauchi and her club volleyball team, Hi Intensity, took an 8-hour plane ride to New Orleans, Louisiana for a volleyball tournament. Yamauchi was thrilled to travel to a new place and make long-lasting memories with her friends. “My favorite memory from my trip was being able to go on an alligator tour,” said Yamauchi. “We went during a lightning and thunderstorm and our boat was made of metal, which freaked everyone out because we thought we were going to get shocked.”

Chester Hui

Senior Chester Hui took an educational trip for his summer, making his way to Stanford University for a summer college program. “My favorite memory from my trip would definitely be the cardio-thoracic summer program,” said Hui. “I got to work with pig hearts in a lab and perform different cardiac surgeries on them. It was also a good experience making friends with people from around the world.” Hui also went to the East Coast with his father for sight-seeing and college visits. He said his trip gave him “a new perspective on college life” and taught him about independence and time management.

Matthew Butay

Sophomore Matthew Butay had the opportunity to tour Europe with his family. The Butay family arrived in Rome after a nearly full day of flying, and traveled through Italy, Switzerland, France, and England over a period of seventeen days. His favorite memory was seeing the Alps in Switzerland. At such a young age, Butay has acquired travel experience beyond his years. Like a seasoned traveler, Butay says, “I believe that every trip has the ability to give you a new perspective on life because when you travel you learn and see more than you already know.” Butay encourages everyone to “see the world we live in and the beauty within it.”

Isabel Wiemken

Isabel Wiemken

Hello, my name is Isabel Wiemken and I am a senior who has gotten used to the spelling and pronunciation errors of my last name—it’s German. I am proud to be a part of the Eagle Eye team this year because I love all means of production. Whether it’s music, film, television, or newspaper, I plan to do great things in the production of entertainment. Green tea ice cream, Thai food, Netflix, Spotify, canoe paddling, and shopping are a few of my favorite things. One of my main goals in life is to own a beautiful mansion and to have a family to share it with.


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