HBA's high school drama class performed the High School Musical on May 2 and 3. Below are photographs of the show featuring the senior cast.
HBA's high school drama class performed the High School Musical on May 2 and 3. Below are photographs of the show featuring the senior cast.
Below is a selection of fan mail from English students to the actors in HBA's recent drama class production of It's a Wonderful Life. Check back for more as fan mail comes in. Dear Vivian, You were born for the spotlight. Although you had a rather small role, you totally crushed it. Every time you …
On December 6 and 7, HBA's Fall drama class performed its version of It's A Wonderful Life, directed by Drama teacher Chad Logan. Synopsis: This is the heartwarming story of George Bailey, a small town boy who has always dreamed of leaving home. He learns life is much more than the bad, and finds the …