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Tag: Freshman

By Kayci Kumashiro ('17) | Junior Staff Writer Metal lockers line the walls of hallways as they are filled with jovial chatter about summer vacation. Folders, papers, and pencils, still in their original packaging, are stacked neatly on shelves. It was August 2013, the start of a new school year at HBA, and for 122 students, …

For their first high school camp together, the Class of 2017 explored Jesus Christ’s journey to the cross and learned more about the significance of his crucifixion. Held in mid-October, the freshman camp featured a simulation of the crucifixion of Christ. On the first night, the students were blindfolded and led through the simulation. They …

The Class of 2017 went on their first camp as high schoolers in October. Themed "Journey to the Cross", camp activities examined Jesus' crucifixion and the significance of the cross. The freshmen also spent time bonding as a class through games and beach activities. Photographs by Christian Oshiro.

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