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Blog: Song of the Week #3

It is already September and my song of the week is “Hopeless Wanderer” by Mumford and Sons.

This band is the most captivating artist I listen to. I am held hostage with every album they release. “Hopeless Wanderer” from the album “Babel” is my favorite song because it manages to get better every second.

Two years ago during spring break, I went to California to visit my grandma. It was my first time flying alone and I was relieved to see no one sitting next to me. As I was spreading out my stuff for the flight, an older man comes next to me and explains how he didn’t like his seat, noticed this one was open, so on and so forth. The worst part was that he wasn’t friendly at all; every time I had to use the bathroom he would barely move making me struggle past his clunky boots. We made no conversation. He just sat there stiff, drinking a Budweiser.

The only time we exchanged words was when we were landing into Oakland. He asked me what I was listening to, so I looked down to my phone and “Hopeless Wanderer” was playing. “Sounds fitting to you,” he said with a condescending smirk.

While waiting for my baggage, I kept repeating his words in my head. What was that suppose to mean? Was it because I looked like a lost little girl? I went back and forth thinking about how people perceived me but I decided on this: Once you find a good song, stick to it.  Don’t leave it behind just because it makes you look a certain way. I was always aware that I loved music, but this blog is helping me figure out why. If I looked like a hopeless wanderer, then so be it. The song is great.

Song of the Week #1

Song of the Week #2

Song of the Week #4

Johannah Wilford

Johannah Wilford

J-O-H-A-N-N-A… H. There’s an H on the end but it inevitably disappears on birthday cards, trophies, and certificates. Not a pet peeve at all. I am half Korean, half African American. I am either snacking on something or unconsciously dancing. Eating or dancing, there’s not much of an in between. Youngest child and only girl, the attention works towards and against my favor. I listen to at least one Bob Marley song every day of my life… “favorite artist” would be an understatement. I am lactose intolerant, but I faithfully consume coffee ice cream until my intestines feel like they will implode. I am aspiring to become a flight attendant.


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