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Carnival Physics

AP Physics students took a trip to the Punahou Carnival to put their classroom knowledge to the test.

In previous years, the AP Physics class would take a field trip to the Punahou School carnival to use their working knowledge of physics on the Pharaoh’s Fury, a ride that simulates a working pendulum. The ride gave students an opportunity to study the concepts of kinematics and waves, and to determine the maximum velocity, frequency and operating cost of the ride.

This year, the Pharaoh’s Fury was not at the carnival so the students applied the lab to the Fireball, a ride that speeds up to complete a full revolution on a circular track. After the completion of the lab, the class had about an hour to enjoy other rides, grab some malasadas and play arcade games.

The field trip allowed students to apply what they learnt to a real life event and they were grateful for a chance to do something different.

Kyle Kadomoto

Kyle Kadomoto


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