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AP Physics students took a trip to the Punahou Carnival to put their classroom knowledge to the test. In previous years, the AP Physics class would take a field trip to the Punahou School carnival to use their working knowledge of physics on the Pharaoh’s Fury, a ride that simulates a working pendulum. The ride …

HBA’s faculty and students celebrated the beginning of another lunar year on January 31. Chinese lion dancers came to HBA’s high school during lunch period to celebrate Chinese New Year with everyone on campus. Chinese Club advisor Li Schoolland said that “the happy and energetic atmosphere created by the celebration is a blessing to the …

Molokai game photograph courtesy of Andrew Dang. The varsity basketball girls wrapped up their season with an overall record of 14-4 (9-0 division), becoming ILH Division 2 champions for the second consecutive year and placing third in the division state championships. This is the first time the Lady Eagles have made it to the state …

Each new year offers a fresh start to achieve new goals and get rid of old habits. At the start of the year, a lot of people make resolutions to change something in their life or to accomplish something. Here are some 2014 New Year's resolutions that HBA students and faculty have made: "Sleep less, eat less, …

Sophomores dominated Spirit Week 2014 in three of four major categories: All-School Cheer, Mascot, and Pepper Squad, giving them the victory and the Mana Cup. They finished with a total of 305 points, while the seniors finished with 278 points, and the juniors came in third with 266 points. It was an unexpected win, especially …

HBA’s 2013 Winter Banquet was held at the Ala Moana Hotel; this time with a tropical twist. Almost three hundred students attended this year’s banquet—themed Christmas in the Sand—and the night was hosted by seniors Bryn Yasui and Vivian Kuo. There were short intervals of table games to keep the guests entertained, including a Christmas …

The young lady at the stand becomes visibly nervous as she settles into her seat. She waits for the first of what she knows will be a long series of questions. Her mind races with facts, responses, and witty comebacks for the lawyer standing before her. Mock Trial is about to begin. This year’s Mock …

The sophomores emerged as overall winners, taking the Mana Cup in their first Spirit Week win. The seniors and juniors took second and third place, respectively. On Friday, the last day of Spirit Week, students arrived at school dressed in HBA colors—black, gold, and white. Participation for this dress up day resulted in a four-way tie for 100% …

Spirit Week 2014 excitement continues as each grade presented their Pepper Squad routines on Thursday. The highlight of Day Four is when classes present their pepper squad during the end of day assembly. This year, each class must tell an original backstory of their assigned villain or monster. In previous years, the dress-up day assignment …

Spirit Week hustle and bustle continues with Era Day and a brand new activity. On day two of Spirit Week 2014, students dressed up accordingly to the an era assigned to their grade. Seventh graders had Romans, eighth graders had Western, and freshmen had the Great Depression. In the end, the seniors (Pirates), juniors (Egyptians), …

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