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The Hiking Club at the high school has been busy this past semester since it was started in August by juniors Lauren Okuda, Kylie Ancheta, and Rhyan Cobb. They have been on three adventures so far: Lanikai Pillbox, Likeke Falls, and a Thanksgiving morning "Turkey Trek" sunrise hike on Kuliouou Ridge Trail. Faculty club advisor …

This past fall break, 19 HBA students from the high school Japanese language program took a trip to Japan. In contrast to previous years when the study tour took students to central cities like Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima, and Tokyo, this tour headed north to Hokkaido. The goal of the trip was to “introduce the culture, …

This fall break a group of 27 members of the Soldiers of Light Select Choir and Wind Ensemble made their way to Texas for a school-sponsored tour called the "Gratitude Tour". The students were made up of 7 sophomores and 20 seniors. Todd Yokotake, high school choir director, explained the purpose of this “Gratitude Tour” …

The polluted, putrid, and hazardous canal known as the Ala Wai may become “fishable and swimmable within seven years” if the Genki Ala Wai Project gets its way. The project, a non-profit organization, was started with one mission in mind: to restore the Ala Wai Canal using environmentally-safe materials in the form of “Genki Balls,” …

On April 9, 2024, the sophomore class went on a social studies field trip to visit the Pearl Harbor National Memorial, the USS Missouri and the USS Arizona Memorial. Social Studies teacher Zachary Markwith believes that field trips to historical sites are key to helping students learn lessons from the past. He explained, “We must …

Last September, an assortment of botanists, nature enthusiasts, and students of HBA’s National Honor Society gathered in Pia Valley in East Oahu with one goal in mind: help restore the Pia Valley to its purest, natural state. Under the guidance of Protect & Preserve Hawaii, a local non-profit, the group of volunteers would hike into …

Our journey to the United Kingdom began at 5:00 AM at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport as 45 bleary-eyed but chipper students dragged their luggage across the airport, eager to begin their English Literature adventure. After about 26 hours of travel—including two flights, two transits, a brief confrontation between Frankfurt’s airport security and an …

AP Physics students took a trip to the Punahou Carnival to put their classroom knowledge to the test. In previous years, the AP Physics class would take a field trip to the Punahou School carnival to use their working knowledge of physics on the Pharaoh’s Fury, a ride that simulates a working pendulum. The ride …

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