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Theatre Class to feature “You Can’t Take It With You”

Students in Hawaii Baptist Academy’s theatre program are gearing up for this semester’s play, You Can’t Take it With You.

Because the enrollment in Theatre has grown over the past few years, students are now required to take a prerequisite course before becoming eligible for the Theatre class. Sophomore Bythe Yoshikane likes the change. She says, “Personally, I think this semester’s shows are going to be very good. Almost all of the people enrolled in theatre are veterans, so the hard work we need to put in isn’t new to any of us. I think rehearsals will go more smoothly which means everything for a good show.”

The student’s first major assignment of the semester was their auditions. Students were paired up and given the task of preparing a short scene from the play to perform in front of the class. Many students spent days, even weeks memorizing lines and practicing together in order to perform to the best of their ability.

After the auditions, director Chad Logan, split the students up into two casts and assigned each a role.

“If you’re in for a smile, come on down. I promise you, we won’t disappoint.”

Sophomore Blythe Yoshikane

For most students, the release of the audition results is one of the most exciting moments in the semester. Yoshikane, who will play the lead role as Alice Sycamore, says, “I was very surprised. Alice is one of the lead roles and to be honest when Mr. Logan announced my role I was struck silent with fear for a while.”

The show is scheduled for early December and will take place in the elementary school auditorium. Sophomore Jalen Sur says, “Anyone who comes to watch will fall in love with the characters and how each of them get at each other with the sharp-witted humor in their dialogue.” Yoshikane adds, “If you’re in for a smile, come on down. I promise you, we won’t disappoint.”

Makenzie Cammack

Makenzie Cammack

So you decided to check out my bio…Best choice you have made all day! I am currently a senior and hopefully with the power of the Holy Spirit and the good graces of Mr. Taketa, I will graduate this year. As a smart fellow like you has probably already figured out, I am on HBA’s news production team!


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