With the start of this past fall break, a group of 50 HBA students and teachers embarked on an 11-day trip to England. The group explored countrysides that inspired many literary writers such as the Brontë sisters, William Wordsworth, and William Shakespeare. The group also went sightseeing around the city of London, and got a chance to ride the London Eye and take a boat ride down the Thames River at night.

Kylie Yamauchi
Hi my name is Kylie Yamauchi and I am a senior. I took Intro to Newspaper in my freshman year and I’ve been a part of it ever since. When I’m not at school, you can find me at the Ala Wai either paddling or working out. (The Ala Wai isn’t as gross as it seems, by the way.) I’m a dedicated fan of the show Teen Wolf and the movie Whiplash, mostly because Miles Teller stars in it. I don’t have any musical talents but I can rap the whole Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song and some parts of Alphabet Aerobics—I’m in the process of learning the entire song. Follow me on Instagram (@kylie_yama) and I promise to follow back, most of the time. Fair warning, my feed is 90% paddling photos.