Here are the candidates running for next year’s high school student council. Below are the statements shared by the candidates summarizing their leadership experience and their election speeches.
Voting will take place on Friday, April, 17 from 7:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Election forms will be emailed to students in grades 8 through 11.
April 17 Update:
Voting closed at 2:45 p.m. today. According to Student Council Adviser Tony Traughber:
- Junior Jeremy Oyer is the new Recording Secretary, as he ran unopposed.
- There will be a run-off vote on Monday, April 20 from 7:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. for the office of vice-president between Amber Loo and Aaron Omon. In today’s voting, no candidate got a 51% majority.
- The results for the offices of president and corresponding secretary will be announced together with the vice-president run-off results.

Jeremy Oyer (’21)
“I have been actively involved in leadership since I was in elementary school. I was a part of student council for the past 7 out of 9 years. I was NJHS president in 8th grade and I have taken a step back in recent years to observe how leadership in our school has worked. I may not have the most extensive background but I believe I can contribute in many ways after seeing how leaders in the past have worked. “

Lizzie Dennis (’21)
Leadership experience:
Freshman Class Council Corresponding Secretary; National Honor Society

Meredith Lau (’21)
“I am the club president of the Innovation Club and an Interact Club project manager. I was a Jr. Leader at my church’s summer fun and I am an activity teacher for my church’s children’s church.”

Amber Loo (’21)
“For my freshman and sophomore year of high school, I had the great opportunity to represent my class as their Vice President. This year, I am grateful to continue representing my class as VP also. Through this experience, I have definitely learned how to communicate with my class well and improve on other skills such as time management through balancing schoolwork and sports, along with patience/determination through events such as Spirit Week, socials, and joint homerooms.”

Aaron Omon (’22)
“I contributed to my first year in student council by planning out and leading the all school homerooms. I took the initiative to send out all the necessary emails, organize the fun games, and serve as the main spokesperson who allowed these assemblies to move smoothly. Furthermore, I have also had leadership roles in other clubs and activities. For instance, I became a project manager in the HBA Interact club in order to supervise certain community service projects and ensure that the volunteers were on task and representing HBA well. Also, as a clarinetist in school and extracurricular music ensembles, I sometimes had to serve as a section leader (first seat). In this position, I had to be a positive role model through my musicality to ensure that the other players in my section were following my lead and playing with the artistry that the conductor was looking for.”

Eliana Tsui (’22)
“I have led community service groups and I teach preschoolers about Jesus during Sunday School.”

Tiffany Hamada (’21)
“I have been on class council for two years now. “

Johanna Seng (’21)
Leadership Experience:
Cross country and track captain; cross country and track media admin; Sunday school teacher; charity 5k coordinator.